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Results 1 - 10 of 71 (page 1 of 8)
Adventures of the soul : journeys through the physical and spiritual dimensions / James Van Praagh.
Acupressure with essential oils : a self-care guide to enhance your health and lift your spirit / Merina Ty-Kisera, MBA, LAC.
10% happier : how I tamed the voice in my head, reduced stress without losing my edge, and found self-help that actually works : a true story / Dan Harris.
Life! by design [electronic resource] : 6 steps to an extraordinary you / Tom Ferry ; with Laura Morton.
Yogalosophy for inner strength : 12 weeks to heal your heart and embrace joy / Mandy Ingber.
Sitting still like a frog : mindfulness exercises for kids (and their parents) / Eline Snel ; foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
The complete guide to Joseph H. Pilates' techniques of physical conditioning : applying the principles of body control / by Allan Menezes.
Change your brain, change your body : use your brain to get and keep the body you have always wanted : boost your brain to improve your weight, skin, heart, energy, and focus / Daniel G. Amen.
Meditations to change your brain [electronic resource] / Rich Hanson & Richard Mendius.

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